Sunday, August 3, 2014


1.  Osama Bin Laden            Saudi Arabia

Attended King Abdul-Aziz University and learned from Abdullah Azzam and Muhammad Qutb, co-founder, August 11, 1988 meeting, leader, 1996 declaration of Jihad, February 1998 Fatwa, May 1998 ABC interview, Shura Council

Killed in May 2011

2.  Abu Ubaidah al-Banshiri (Amin Ali al-Rashidi)              Egypt

Co-founder, August 11, 1988 meeting, 2nd in command, Al-Qaeda's military commander, former Egyptian police officer, Military Committee

Drowned in May 1996 on Lake Victoria

3.  Mohammed Atef (Abu Hafs) (Abu Hafs al-Masri)          Egypt

Co-founder, August 11, 1988 meeting, head of military and special operations committees, former Egyptian police officer, former deputy of al-Banshiri, scoped out Sudan for OBL, replaced al-Banshiri as 2nd in command, Shura Council, Military Committee

Killed in US drone strike in November 2001

4.  Ayman al-Zawahiri           Egypt

Co-founder, current leader, leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad (goal to create an Islamic state in Egypt to use as a launching pad for jihad against the West, part of consulative committee, Shura Council

At large

5.  Mamdouh Mahmud Salim (Abu Hajer)             Sudan/Iraq

Co-founder, August 11, 1988 meeting, head of computer operations, head of religious committee, set up Al-Qaeda in Sudan, Shura Council, never actually swore fealty to OBL so OBL treated him as an equal, imam to OBL

ADX Florence

6.  Saif al-Adel          Egypt

High ranking member, former Egyptian military colonel, Embassy bombings, opposed 9/11 attacks, interim leader of Al-Qaeda after OBL's death, head of security committee, part of military committee, usually gave advanced/special training to operatives, Military Committee, Shura Council, fled to Iran after 9/11, arrested in April 2003 in Iran, released in 2015, now likely lives in Syria

Currently at large

7.  Jamal al-Fadl               Sudan

Co-founder, secretary of OBL, OBL's business associate, skimmed $ cuz he wanted more $ like the Egyptians

Defected to America and is an informant

8.  Wa'el Hamza Julaidan           Saudi Arabia 

Co-founder, August 11, 1988 meeting, financer, was director of the Islamic Center of Tucson in the 1980s before leaving to fight the Soviets, associate of Wadih el-Hage

9.  Mohammed Loay Bayazid (Abu Rida al-Suri)     Syria/USA

Co-founder, August 11, 1988 meeting, financial chief, studied in Kansas City, went to Afghanistan on a whim during the Jihad after hearing a tape of Azzam, allegedly the author of the handwritten notes of the August 11, 1988 meeting in which the organization of Al-Qaeda was discussed

Location unknown, possibly in Khartoum

10. Mustafa Abu al-Yazid (Sheikh Saeed al-Masri)                  Egypt

Co-founder, financial chief, opposed 9/11 attacks, replaced Madani al Tayyib as head of financial and administrative committees, Shura Council member, did not give Kherchtou money for wife's C-section, part of consulative committees

Killed in drone attack in Pakistan in May 2010

11. Sayed Tayib al-Madani (Abu Fadhl al-Makkee) (Madani al-Tayyib)        Saudi Arabia

On initial Shura Council, financial chief in Sudan, sought uranium, married OBL's niece, lost a leg in Afghanistan, confronted Jamal al-Fadl about stealing, pardoned by Saudi Arabia for cooperation

Defected to Saudi Arabia, location unknown

12. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah (Abu Mohammed al-Masri) (Saleh)           Egypt

Head of East African cells, mastermind of attacks, one of the bomb makers, opposed 9/11 attacks, emir of al-Farouq, "most likely to identify potential suicide bombers," part of military committee, Shura Council, fled to Iran after 9/11, arrested in April 2003 in Iran, released in March 2015 and now likely lives in Syria

On FBI Most Wanted Terrorist list

13. Mafouz Ould Walid (Abu Hafs al-Mauritani)               Mauritania

Fought in Soviet-Afghan War, Head of religious committee, opposed 9/11 attacks, part of consulative and theology committees, Shura Council, fled to Iran after 9/11, arrested in April 2003 in Iran, released in 2012, now likely lives in Syria, released in Mauritania after renouncing ties to al-Qaeda and condemning 9/11 attacks

14. Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah         Saudi Arabia/USA

High ranking member

At large

15. Atiyah Abd al-Rahman   Libya

High ranking member, alleged to be 2nd in command before death, operational planner

Killed August 2011

16. Abu Hamza Rabia            Egypt

High ranking member, 3rd in command, senior international operations commander

Killed November 2005

17. Abu Laith al-Libi          Libya

High ranking member

Killed January 2008

18. Abu Zubaydah

External emir of Khaldan training camp, in charge of recruiting and getting tools, not a member of Al-Qaeda

Held in Guantanamo Bay

19. Abu Faraj al-Libi (Ibn al-Shaykh al-Liby)            Libya

High ranking member, high value detainee, internal emir of Khaldan training cmap, ran teh camp, partner of Abu Zubaydah, was held in Guantanamo Bay, not a member of Al-Qaeda

Died in Libyan custody under suspicious circumstances

20. Omar al-Faruq            Kuwait/Iraq

High ranking member; liaison with Jemaah Islamiyah

Killed September 2006

21.  Abu Assim al-Maghrebi (Abdullah Tabarak)        Morocco

Fought with OBL in Afghanistan and Sudan, headed bodyguards after Embassy bombings, NOT on Shura Council

Free in Morocco

22. Ali al-Bahlul (Abu Annas al-Yemeni)        Yemen

Setup radio for OBL on 9/11, OBL's media relations secretary, OBL's personal propagandist, head of public relation committee with Hussein al-Masri, produced video of USS Cole bombing

Held in Guantanamo Bay

23.  Abu Ahmed al-Kuwait               Kuwait/Pakistan

Courier and right-hand man to OBL

Killed May 2011 with OBL

24.  Al-Fateh al-Masri (Sheikh Mohammad Fateh al Masri)            Egypt

Emir of salaries, senior operational commander at time of death

Killed September 2010

Mohammad Fateh al-Masri

25.  Mohammed Jamal Khalifa           Saudi Arabia

OBL's brother-in-law, grew up with OBL in Saudi Arabia, in 1986 went to the Lion's Den to talk with OBL and ended up arguing over OBL's actions in Afghanistan, were never close after that

Killed January 2007

26.  Nasser al-Bahri (Abu Jandal)           Yemen

Most senior Al-Qaeda operative in custody on 9/11, personal bodyguard to OBL, later renounced al-Qaeda, spent time in Guantanamo Bay, returned to Yemen

Died from illness in December 2015

27.  Salim Hamdan           Yemen

OBL's personal driver

Charges dismissed, lives in Yemen

28.  Ali Mohamed          Egypt

Double agent, former Egyptian army officer, enlisted in US Army, instructor at Fort Bragg, provided guidance and training at Farouq Mosque

Plead guilty in May 1999 for Embassy bombings, awaiting sentencing in a secure location

29. Khaled Abu el-Dahab        Egypt

Right-hand man to Ali Mohamed in CA

Imprisoned in Egypt

30.  Nasir al-Wuhayshi         Yemen

Emir of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, OBL's former secretary, was named second in command of al-Qaeda shortly before his death

Killed in Yemen in June 2015

31.  Abu Yahya al-Libi           Libya

Propaganda videos, was second in command to al-Zawahiri before his death

Killed June 2012

32.  Khalid al-Habib               Egypt

Oversaw Afghanistan operations, one of five or six "tested terrorists", fled with OBL after 9/11

Killed October 2008

33.  Mohammad Hasan Khalil al-Hakim AKA Abu Jihad al-Masri       Egypt

Propaganda chief

Killed October 2008

34.  Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan           Kenya

Leader of Al Qaeda in Somalia

Killed September 2009

35.  Mohamedou Ould Slahi           Mauritania

Recruiter, cousin of Mahfouz Ould al-Walid

Held in Guantanamo Bay

36.  Abu al-Khair al-Masri              Egypt

Former member of Egyptian Jihad, on Shura Council, confidant of al-Zawahiri, married a daughter of OBL, fled to Iran after 9/11, arrested in April 2003 in Iran, released in March 2015 and now lives in Syria

37.  Mohadmmed Saleh                   Egypt

Former member of Egyptian Jihad, on Shura Council, confidant of al-Zawahiri, party at his house on 9/11

38.  Suleiman Abu al-Gheith AKA Gaith Abu Yusuf            Kuwait

Went to Afghanistan in June 2000 and joined al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda's official spokesperson on 9/11, married to OBL's daughter, fled to Iran after 9/11, arrested in April 2003 in Iran, released in January 2013, arrested in Jordan in March 2013

Sentenced to life in prison in March 2014

Image result for Suleiman Abu al-Gheith

39.  Ibrahim al Qosi AKA Abu Khubaib          Sudan

Trained at al-Farouq training camp after being recruited in 1990 by Jamal al-Fadl, accountant and treasurer for al-Qaeda, spent 10 years in Guantanamo Bay

Plead guilty and currently free in Sudan

40.  Younis al-Mauritani                  Mauritania

Al-Qaeda chief

Held in Mauritania

41.  Khaled al Fawwaz                    Saudi Arabia

Arrested after Embassy bombings for helping plan the bombing--financed the surveillance, held in Britain, OBL's media guy, led Nairobi cell, set up meetings with CNN, head of Advice and Reform Committee

Held in US, Sentenced to life imprisonment in May 2015 

42.  Abu Hussein al-Masri      

Head of Public Relations Committee with Abu Annas al-Yemeni         

43.  Abu Ata'a al-Tunisi

Head of military training, implemented computer and radio systems, killed with Taliban while fighting Northern Alliance

44.  Abu Jaffar AKA Abu Khadija al-Iraqi

OBL's business manager, associate of Wadih el-Hage

45.  Hamza al-Ghamdi

Legend from Afghan war, trained al-Qaeda recruits, leader of Northern Group, one of last people to travel with OBL after 9/11

46.  Abu Musab Abdel Wadoud         Algerian

Emir of Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

47.  Abu Hamza al-Masri                    Egyptian

Imam, awaiting trial in US

48.  Abu Turab al-Urduni AKA Abu Turab al-Jordani

Son in law of Ayman al-Zawahiri, one of five people who knew the operational details of 9/11, trained the muscle hijackers at the al-Matar complex

Killed 2001

49.  Midhat Mursi  AKA Abu Khabab                  Egypt

Top bomb maker

Killed July 2008

50.  Abu Musab al-Zarqawi      Jordan

Leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, opposed 9/11 attacks

Killed June 2006

51.  Abdul Hadi al-Iraqi               Iraq

Leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, appointed commander of all Arabs

Held in Guantanamo Bay

52.  Abu Ayyub al-Masri AKA Abu Hamza al-Muhajir          Egypt

Senior aide to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, became senior leader in Iraq, beheaded two US soldiers

Killed April 2010

53.  Muhannad bin Attash                 Yemen

Knew OBL growing up, fought with OBL, recruiter, led Northern group, which resulted in many recruits (Walid bin Attash, al-Nashiri, Salim Hamdan, Mohamed Rashed Daoud Al-Owhali, Jaffer al-Hada, Abu Jandal)

Killed 1997

54.  Khallad       Yemen

55.  Abdul Aziz bin Attash AKA al-Bara            Yemen

Killed December 2011

56.  Omayer bin Attash      Yemen

Was sent to Afghanistan with his brother al-Bara

57.  Hassan Mohammed Ali bin Attash        Yemen

Held in Guantanamo Bay

58.  Moaz bin Attash        Yemen

Youngest brother

Killed with Abu Hafs November 2002

59.  L'Houssaine Kherchtou               Morocco

Left Al-Qaeda after OBL wouldn't pay for wife's medical treatment, testified against al-Qaeda in the summer of 2001 regarding the Embassy bombings, trained in Nairobi to become OBL's personal pilot

In witness protection program

60.  Clement Rodney Hampton-El             

61.  Sayyed Imam Al-Sharif (Dr. Fadl)             Egypt

Titular leader of al-Jihad while Zawahiri was imprisoned, at the August 11, 1988 meeting, "on of al-Zawahiri's oldest associates," criticized 9/11 attacks

Imprisoned in Egypt

62.  Mohammed Ahmad Ghulam Rabbani                   Pakistan/Saudi Arabia

Brother of Abdul Al-Rahim Ghulam Rabbani

Held in Guantanamo Bay

63.  Abdul Al-Rahim Ghulam Rabbani AKA Abu Rahmah         Pakistan/Saudi Arabia

Brother of Mohammed Ahmad Ghulam Rabbani, close associate of KSM, ran a safehouse in Karachi, found apartment and lent logistical support to 9/11 muscle hijackers

Held in Guantanamo Bay

64.  Al Hajj Abdu Ali Sharqawi             Yemen

"Riyadh the Facilitator," helped fighters flee to and from Afghanistan and Pakistan

Held in Guantanamo Bay

65.  Abu Ubaidah al-Masri              Egypt

Implicated in 2006 Transatlantic Aircraft Plot

Killed December 2007

66.  Essam Marzouk                Egypt

Member of Vanguards of Conquest in Vancouver, worked with al-Zawahiri

Imprisoned in Egypt

67.  Mohammad Zaki Mahjoub         Egypt/Canada

Worked at farms in Sudan that were owned by OBL

Imprisoned in Canada

68.  Omar Mahmoud Othman AKA Abu Qatada            West Bank/Jordan

Lived in England, linked to terrorists, cleric who issued many fatwas

69.  Aafia Siddiqui            Pakistan

Courier and financier for Al-Qaeda

FMC Carswell Medical Center Fort Worth, Texas

70.  Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas AKA Abu Dahdah        Syria/Spain

High ranking member in Spain, fundraiser and recruiter

Sentenced to 27 years in Spain

71.  Abu Bakar Bashir                     Indonesia

Spiritual leader of Jemmah Islamiyah, involved in Bali bombings

72.  Abdullah Sungkar                   Yemen

Founded JI with Abu Bakar Bashir, original leader of JI

Died of natural causes November 1999

73.  Fathur Rahman al-Ghozi          Indonesia

Bomb maker for JI, carried out attacks in Phillippines, Indonesia and Singapore

Killed October 2003

74.  Mubarak al-Duri                   Iraq

Ran an agriculatural project owned by OBL from 1992-94, procured weapons and equipment overseas
76.  Dhiren Barot AKA Issa al-Britani                  India/Britain

Did reconnaissance of American targets

Sentenced to 30 years in Britain

77.  Ahmed Mohammed Haza al-Darbi            

Brother in law of Khalid al-Mihdhar

Held in Guantanamo Bay

78.  Ahmed al-Hada                   Yemen

Owner of phone number that Khaled Salem bin Rasheed gave to FBI, father in law of Khalid al-Mihdhar

79.  Mozzam Begg                   England/Pakistan

UK based operative, recruiter and financer for Al-Qaeda

Released from Guantanamo Bay and returned to England

80.  Bassam Kanj                   USA/Lebanon

Trained at Khaldan camp, Bostonian cab driver

Killed in 2000 in Lebanon

81.  Abu al-Hasan al-Mihdhar                

Leader of the Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan

82.  Abdullah Ahmed Khalid Sa'id Musawa

83.  Yousef al-Qanas                     Kuwait

"the sniper", one of the final people to travel with OBL after 9/11

84. Qasim al-Raymi AKA Qassim al-Rimi               Yemen

Low level member of Nashir cell but now one of the main leaders of Al-Qaeda in Arabian Peninsula, one of 23 escapees in 2006

85.  Ahmed Khadr

86.  Omar Khadr

87.  Muhammad Sa'id Ali Hasan AKA Gharib al-Taezi

Was a bodyguard for OBL, filmed martyrdom video

Killed April 2012

88.  Khalid al-Harbi                     Saudi Arabia

Paraplegic, mullah, appeared in video with OBL praising 9/11 attacks, al-Zawahiri's son-in-law

89.  Said Ali al-Shihri                  Saudi Arabia

Leader of Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, involved in kidnappings and murders of foreigners in Yemen

Reportedly killed in drone strike in July 2013

90.  Mohammed Jabarah                Kuwait

Traveled to Malaysia several times to give money to JI, was a double agent but later re-arrested

Sentenced to life at ADX Florence after violation release conditions

91.  Anas al Kandari                Kuwait

Associate of OBL, killed during fight after firing on US Marines

Killed October 2002

92.  Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi                   Yemen

Al-Qaeda's chief operative in Yemen, suspect in USS Cole bombing

Killed November 2002

93.  Ali Sayyid Muhamed Mustafa al-Bakri             Egypt

Former member of Islamic Jihad, on Al-Qaeda's Shura Council, explosives and chemical weapons expert

At large, possibly in Iran

94.  Ilyas Kashmiri                 Pakistan

Fought in the Pakistani military, senior al-Qaeda operative, leader of Harkut-ul-Jihad al-Islami

Killed in drone attack on June 2011

95.  Abdullah Said al Libi                      Pakistan

Led an al-Qaeda paramilitary force in Pakistan (the Shadow Army)

Killed in drone attack on December 2009

96. Abu Bakr al- Baghdadi aka Abu Dua               Iraq

Leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq

97.  Moktar Ali Zubeyr                   Somalia

Emir of Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (insurgent group in Iraq that is with al-Qaeda), fought in Afghanistan

98.  Ezedin Abdel Aziz Khalil AKA Yasin al-Suri           Syria

99.  Abu Mus'ab al-Suri              Syria

Originally with OBL but later 'defected' to become Mullah Omar's media advisor

100. Medani al-Tayeb                  

Al-Qaeda's Treasurer, married OBL's niece, defected after OBL failed to apologize to Saudi Arabia's king, became Al-Qaeda's first member on May 17, 1989