Sunday, August 3, 2014

Millenium Plot

1.  Jordanian Millennium Plot
On December 12, 1999 the Jordanian security forces arrested a group of about 20 Islamic militants in Jordan.  The group was suspected of planning, in the new millennium eve, a series of attacks on Christian places, tourist sites and American and Israeli targets in Jordan.  Police searches in Amman found, in a rented house, among otehr things, 71 containers of acids, several forged Saudi passports, detonators, and a terror manual written by Khalil Deek.
2.  Los Angeles Millennium Plot
Ahmed Ressam's plot to bomb LAX, foiled when captured at US/Canada border.
3.  Yemen Millennium Plot
Plot to attack USS The Sullivans in the port of Aden on January 3, 2000.

1.  Abu Zubaydah                   Saudi Arabia/Palestine

Not member of Al-Qaeda, external emir

Held in Guantanamo Bay

2.  Raed Hijazi                  USA/Jordan

Trained in Khalden camp, fought against Soviets in Afghanistan, drove taxis in Boston, was the go-between who connected the Jordanian militants through his friend, Khalil Deek, an associate of Abu Zubaydah

Sentenced to death in Jordan but later reduced to 20 years

3.  Khadr Abu Hoshar             Jordan/Palestine

Fought in Afghanistan in the 80s, briefly let a radical group with al-Zarqawi in Jordan, met Abu Zubaydah through a common acquaintance, Khalil Deek, was arrested in 1999

Sentenced to death in Jordan but later reduced to 20 years

4.  Khalil Said al-Deek (Joseph Adams)                 USA/Jordan

Trained at Khaldan camp, wrote Encyclopedia of Jihad, got diploma in computer science in US

5.  Abu Musab al-Zarqawi

6.  Ahmed Ressam                 Algeria

Moved from Algeria to Canada in 1994 and sought political asylum, trained in Afghanistan in 1998, on December 14, 1999 Ressam was arrested with a trunk full of explosives after leaving a ferry at the border in WA

ADX Florence, sentenced to 37 years 

7.  Nabil al-Marabh                  Syria

Went to Afghanistan in 1994 but later moved to Canda, drove a taxi in Boston, was recruited to the Jihad by Raed Hijazi, was arrested in September 18, 2001 and held in solitary confinement for eight months without seeing a judge

Was deported to Syria in January 2003

8.  Mohamad Kamal El-Zahabi           Lebanon

Moved to the USA in 1984 on a student visa, trained in Afghanistan in 1988, drove a taxi in Boston, was recruited to the Jihad by Raed Hijazi

Deported to Lebanon but never convicted of any terrorism type charges.

9.  Bassam Kanj                Lebanon

Moved to the USA in 1984, fought in Afghanistan, drove a taxi in Boston, was recruited to the Jihad by Raed Hijazi, fought in Lebanon in 1998

Killed in January 2000 in Lebanon

10. Abdul Ghani Meskini                 Algeria

After Ressam was arrested the FBI found Meskini's telephone number on Ressam, arrested by FBI, cooperated with government

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