Describe the propaganda aspect of the bombing. For example, the little ship fighting the big ship, David vs Goliath.
1. Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri AKA Mohammed Omar al-Harazi Saudi Arabia
Fought in Afghanistan in the 90s, helped Embassy bomber Mohamed al-Owhali obtain a false passport, attended Malaysian Summit, planned attack on USS The Sullivans, mastermind of USS Cole bombing
Arrested in November 2002 in the United Arab Emirates, held at Guantanamo Bay
2. Jamal Ahmad Mohammad Al Badawi Yemen
Convicted in USS Cole bombing, captured in Yemen and sentenced to death in 2004, escaped
Killed January 2019 in US drone strike
3. Fahd al-Quso Yemen
Tasked to film the bombing of the USS Cole but over slept, arrested within weeks of attack but secretly released by Yemen in 2007
Killed May 2012 in US drone strike
4. Walid bin Attash (Tawfiq bin Attash) (Khallad)
Sent to Yemen in 1999 to help al-Nashiri obtain explosives, lost right leg while fighting against Ahmed Shah Massoud's Northern Alliance, bodyguard of Bin Laden, raised in Saudi Arabia and knew OBL since he was a child, part of Embassy bombings and failed USS The Sullivans plot, and masterminded USS Cole bombing
5. Ibrahim al-Nibras
6. Hassan al-Khamiri
7. Taha al-Ahdal
8. Salman al-Adani
9. Muawiyah al-Medani
10. Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi
11. Salman al-Taezi
12. Walid Ashibit
13. Fawaz al-Rabeiee AKA Furqan al-Tajiki
14. Saeed Awad al-Khamri Yemen
One of the suicide bombers, from same Hadhramaut town as OBL, used false name to register the boat used in the bombing and to sign a lease on the house overlooking the Aden Harbor,
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